How It All Started
Brad Langerman, Sr. started working construction right after high school. He was a carpenter building new homes with uncles and cousins in the Brainerd area.
Brad moved to the Twin Cities in the early 1970’s and eventually specialized in roofing, siding, gutters, windows, fire restoration and remodeling. He eventually founded Minnesota Roofing and Remodeling. Brad is used extensively by insurance companies for dispute resolution for appraisals being retained as either an appraiser or umpire by homeowners, homeowner/town home associations and commercial building owners. He is also used as an expert witness by insurance attorneys.
All employees have extensive construction experience with at least 35 years in the industry.
We have very high standards and bring attention to quality, detail, pride of workmanship and customer satisfaction to every job. There are very few callbacks for corrective work. Minnesota Roofing & Remodeling brings over 35 years of experience to every job and we truly look forward to working with you.
Bradley Langerman